You’ve done your part: You delivered the product or service. Now, it’s time for your customer to do their part: Pay the invoice.
Almost every small business owner knows the frustration of a past due invoice. Research by QuickBooks shows that worldwide, an average of 23% of all payments to small businesses are late, despite small businesses saying they are working to mitigate overdue payments with incentives like discounts for early payments and charging late fees.
This guide will help you follow up on late payments, and includes payment reminder letter templates to help you write professional, friendly payment reminders.
A past-due invoice is a payment a customer hasn’t made by the due date agreed in the invoice payment terms.
Late payments are a risk to your business—after all, you can’t pay your bills if your client doesn’t pay theirs. When you’re dealing with past-due payments, the important thing is to not panic and stay positive, even if you have to work a little harder to collect.
Here are some steps you can take if your client doesn’t pay an outstanding invoice on time.
For faster payments, hold the invoice conversation right at the start, before you do the work. If it’s too late for that, don’t beat yourself up. There’s always next time.
But it can be easier to get payment if you’ve determined these two specific logistics of what your client wants and needs in an invoice:
It’s an extremely common situation: a client becomes accustomed to paying for almost everything one way, only to become inconvenienced when that payment method isn’t available. If they pay for everything by credit card, and you’re asking for a check, they may not ever find the time to locate their chequebook, get a stamp, and put the check in the mail.
If your client hasn’t paid you on time, ask, “Would you prefer to pay another way?” may be all it takes to get paid on-time in the future.
Clients are more likely to pay on time when the invoice makes what they’re paying for crystal clear. That’s why you want to make sure you’ve included all the information a client needs.
This could include:
If you haven’t yet catalogued your products or services, it’s a worthwhile exercise that can make everything from marketing your business to sending invoices more efficient in the future.
You should also check that your payment terms and due date are featured in a prominent place on your invoice design. Without clear payment terms , it’s your word against theirs when an invoice is actually “late.”
You may be tempted to put “immediate payment,” but that can be confusing to some clients. Adding a date gives them a concrete target to meet. The most common payment term is “Net 30,” which means the recipient must pay their invoice within 30 days of the invoice date.
Be proactive and remind customers of their outstanding payments. Sending a reminder that their payment is due next week gives them a heads up, and may get the money you’re owed in your hands more quickly.
Having “the conversation” about past due payments is a huge source of anxiety, especially when paying your own bills on time depends on the cash flow this late invoice represents.
However, like everything else we’ve discussed, having a system for following up on late payments can help you keep calm, and move on to your other work.
Accounting software does make following up on late payments easier, because, unlike manual systems like Word or Excel, you can sort invoices by client name or due date, and set up automatic invoice reminders for overdue payments.
When writing a past-due invoice letter, include the following details:
This will help ensure your customer has all the information needed to pay the overdue invoice.
To make it easier to send these polite reminders, QuickBooks allows you to create automated messages that you can send your clients. If you’re not automating reminders with QuickBooks, starting with a payment reminder template can help you write a professional and friendly payment reminder email.
If you haven’t received the payment by the due date, check to see if they even received the bill. Using QuickBooks allows you to see if your client has viewed the invoice, which can tip you off that they might just have overlooked the email.
Either way, send a polite email reminder mentioning that perhaps the invoice has gotten lost in the shuffle. That might be enough to jog them to remember to send it. Or, they may say “The cheque’s in the mail,” in which case you know the amount due is coming soon.
For your convenience, here are some invoice reminder email templates you can use in your first email reminder to your customers or clients. Remember to customize them to your specific business, and match the tone of your relationship with them. These are meant to be guides to help you get started.
Subject line: [Your Business Name]: Follow up on Invoice #XXXXX for [Product/Service]
Hi [Customer’s Name],
I hope all is well. This email is a friendly reminder that your payment on invoice #XXXXX, which was sent on [sent date], is due [due date].
We wanted to take this opportunity to see if you’ve had a chance to look over the invoice and confirm that everything is ok and on track for payment by [due date]. Attached is the invoice for your review.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
[Your Company Name]
Subject line: [Your Business Name]: Invoice #XXXXX for [Product/Service] is due today
Hi [Customer’s Name],
I hope this email finds you well.
This email is to notify you that payment on invoice #XXXXX for the amount of [invoice amount], which was sent on [sent date], is due today.
We have not yet received payment on this invoice and ask that you kindly confirm an ETA for the payment. If payment is not received by [late fee penalty date], a late fee will be charged.
We hope to avoid a late fee penalty, so if you have any questions about this invoice, please let us know and we will be happy to clarify.
[Your Company Name]
When your payment is two weeks late, that’s when you may start feeling panicky.
If you haven’t received payment after your first reminder, that’s a good time to reach out with a polite phone call to reconfirm they have the invoice and see if they have any questions. Sometimes they neglect to tell you that there’s some specific information they need for their own system, like a PO number. Or it could be that your invoice has been overlooked because one of your customers’ employees is out of the office. There's almost always a good reason why your invoice hasn’t been paid, so don’t be shy about asking.
And here's a past due invoice email template that you can simply copy, paste, edit, and send to your customer:
Subject line: [Your Business Name]: Invoice #XXXXX for [Product/Service] is PAST DUE
Hi [Customer’s Name],
I hope all is well on your end since our last correspondence.
Our records indicate that we have not yet received payment for invoice #XXXXX in the amount of [invoice amount], which was due on [due date].
The outstanding invoice amount is [invoice amount plus late fees, if applicable] and is [number of days] past due. Attached is a copy of the invoice, in case the original was lost. For your convenience, you may make a payment here: [link to online payment or other payment methods].
If your payment has already been sent, please disregard this notice. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at [contact number].
[Your Company Name]
A payment this late may feel like it is bordering on rude, but that doesn’t mean you should be. Keep calm and stay professional in your follow-up.
If you have already spoken with the client, resend the invoice, along with any new charges, and reference the conversation you had and any concrete plans they had stated to send payment. In addition to email, send it via snail mail, which might get their attention.
You can also begin assessing late payment fees—but this is important—only if you have first explained it in your new client onboarding.
Hitting a customer with an unexpected late fee could cause more animosity than it’s worth. However, it’s perfectly fine to state your terms for late payments right up front and then be sure to itemize them on the next bill.
At this point, you may want to dial up your persistence. Be clear that you need to be paid and make sure you’re talking to the right person. If you are dealing with the accounting department, it might be time to get your client involved again as they have a vested interest in seeing you get paid in a timely fashion so the work can go on.
And that’s because this is an ideal time frame to cease current and future work. Politely let your client know via email that you will have to stop working on current projects until the bills are current.
Here's a 30-day past-due invoice email template that you can simply copy, paste, edit, and send to your customer:
Subject line: [Your Business Name]: Invoice #XXXXX for [Product/Service] is 30 days PAST DUE
Hi [Customer’s Name],
This email is to remind you that your invoice is now 30 days past due and I am seeking your immediate attention.
Our records show that we have not yet received payment for invoice #XXXXX in the amount of [invoice amount], which was due on [due date].
[Optional, if applicable] As your invoice is now past due, a late fee of [amount] has been assessed.
The outstanding invoice amount is [invoice amount plus late fees, if applicable] and is [number of days] past due. Attached is a copy of the invoice. You may make a payment here: [link to online payment or other payment methods].
Please let me know the status of your payment.
If your payment has already been sent, please disregard this notice. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to discuss payment plan options, please contact me at [contact number].
I appreciate you addressing this at your earliest convenience so we can work out this matter.